Solid Oak Slat Wall
Step-by-step Instructions
Tools Needed
- Safety Glasses
- Tape Measure
- Miter Saw or Miter Box
- Pencil
- Level/Laser Level
- Paint
- Roller and Roller Pan
- Nails/Brad Nails
- Liquid Adhesive
- Caulking Gun
- Hammer or Nail Gun
1 Measure the wall
Using a tape measure, measure the height and width of your wall in inches. Multiply the height times the width then divide that number by 144. This will give you an idea of how many square feet you will need to cover. Add 5% – 10% for cutting and waste.
Each box of Weaber Prefinished Solid Oak Slats contains enough material to cover 20.625 sqft based upon using a 3/4” spacing between slats.
2Prepare the surface
The surface must be clean, dry, flat, and structurally sound. Make sure to remove any nails or outlet covers that may cause an issue when you install the slats.
Next paint the wall with a color that coordinates with your décor and enhances your design. It’s important to select the right color at the start of your project because it will be seen between each slat.
3Mark the center of the wall
4Determine a pattern
Now is the time to decide on the design of your feature wall. You may want to attach the slats horizontally, vertically, in a staggered pattern or on a diagonal to achieve your desired look. There are many options – be creative. Our example is a vertical design with 3/4” space between each slat.
It may help if you lay out your pattern using painter’s tape. Decide which slats need to be trimmed for your design ahead of time.
5Add Slats on reference line
Using your level or laser level, start with the first board (and with each board after) making sure it is level. Apply adhesive to back, then nail into wall. Use spacer to determine placement of the next slat. Recheck with level again. If everything is level, continue with the next slat. Each slat placement should be checked. Continue with the next piece until wall is complete.
Apply several small dots of adhesive to the back of the slat (be sure to span the entire length of the slat) when attaching to drywall or plaster. Adhesive is recommended since you will not be hitting a stud each time you attach a slat to your wall.
When nailing use 18 gauge or smaller brads. To avoid splitting on the end(s)/edge(s), move in 1” or more from the top and bottom edges of the slat to nail in place.
Spacer can also be used to create 1/2” or 1-1/2” spacing.
Finish as you desire.
Re-hang artwork, push furniture back into place and enjoy decorating the space around your new Weaber slat wall.
Information on spacer
The spacer allows for the following wall coverage options:
1/2” Spacing: One box covers a 73.5”W x 36”H area which is equal to 18.375 sqft.
3/4” Spacing: One box covers an 82.5”W x 36”H area which is equal to 20.625 sqft.
1-1/2” Spacing: One box covers a 109.5”W x 36”H area which is equal to 27.375 sqft.